Shipping and Delivery Policy

This Policy has been prepared to inform Site visitors and ordering customers (“Buyer”) regarding the shipment and delivery of products ordered through (“Site”) owned by Tuay Karaca Tekstil Özel Tasarım Ltd. Şti. (“Tuay”).

As a rule, Tuay Karaca is responsible for the delivery of the product in good condition, complete and in accordance with the specifications specified in the order. However, regarding the delivery of products ordered and paid for by the Buyer; the relevant provisions in the Distance Sales Contract ("Contract") signed between Tuay Karaca and the Buyer remain valid.

Delivery Time

After the e-mail confirming the order is sent to the Buyer, the product is given to the cargo company as soon as possible.

Delivery of the product will be made within 7 working days from the date the order is placed/approved by the Buyer, provided that Tuay Karaca's stock is available and after the payment is made, save for the cases where the delivery of the product becomes impossible.

Delivery to Person/Address Other Than Recipient

The buyer may request that the product be delivered to a person/organization other than themselves during the ordering process. In addition, your first-degree relative with the same last name may also receive your order by presenting an ID. The signature of the person receiving your package is required at the delivery address.

If the contractual product is to be delivered to a person/organization other than the Buyer, Tuay Karaca cannot be held responsible for any damages or expenses (e.g. extra shipping costs) that may arise from the absence of the person/organization to be delivered, refusal to accept the delivery, or inaccuracies and/or deficiencies in the delivery information provided by the Buyer.

If the invoice address specified by the Buyer is different from the delivery address, the Buyer accepts, declares and undertakes to pay an additional shipping fee for the delivery of the invoice to the relevant address.

Problems That May Occur During Delivery

As a rule, Tuay Karaca cannot be held responsible for the failure to deliver the ordered product to the Buyer or the person/organization authorized by it due to any kind of problem that the cargo company may encounter during the delivery of the product to the Buyer.

However, if the Buyer thinks that the package and/or the product inside is damaged (torn, wet, etc.) during delivery;

  • You have the right to refuse delivery of damaged packages and have the cargo company officer write a report about it (Due Diligence Report or Damage Diligence Report) and return the package.
  • If the cargo company officer is of the opinion that the package or the product inside it is not damaged, the Buyer has the right to open the package at the time of delivery and in the presence of the cargo officer, to check the condition of the products in person, to have the cargo officer check it and to record the situation in a report.

The minutes must be prepared in two copies, one copy of which will remain with the Recipient and the other copy will be delivered to the cargo company officer.

If the Recipient does not accept the package and keeps a report, this situation must be reported to Tuay Karaca immediately and within 1 (one) business day at the latest by e-mail to, together with the copy of the report kept by the Recipient.

If these procedures are carried out, Tuay Karaca will start working on the package and ensure that the delivery is repeated as soon as possible.

In addition, if the person who will receive the product thinks that there is a problem/fault in the product due to the delivery, but cannot keep a report as stated above for a justified reason, he/she must immediately and at the latest on the day he/she receives the product, take a photo of the product and the package it came in and send it to as an e-mail. In this case, Tuay Karaca will contact the Buyer regarding the delivery and return process within 3 (three) business days.

Once the package is received by the Buyer without any objection, without any record being kept stating that the package and/or the product inside it was delivered incompletely, defectively or in a condition different from what was stated, or without any other proof of this situation, it is accepted that the cargo company has fully performed its duty and that Tuay Karaca has fulfilled its delivery obligation.

End of Tuay Karaca's Delivery Obligation

Tuay Karaca's delivery obligation ends when the ordered product is delivered to the Buyer or to the authorized person/organization at the address requested by the Buyer in the Contract.

If, for any reason, the Buyer does not pay the product price or the payment is cancelled by the bank, Tuay Karaca is deemed to be relieved of its delivery obligation.

However, the obligations of the Buyer and Tuay Karaca in the cases listed above under the heading “Problems That May Occur During Delivery” are clearly stated; in this case, the Buyer and Tuay Karaca reserve all rights to make claims from each other and the cargo company.

Delivery Costs

As a rule, the shipping fee will be paid by the Buyer and is added to the total amount of the order. However, Tuay Karaca may not reflect the entire shipping fee or a portion determined by the campaign to the BUYER depending on the results of the campaigns it conducts at the time of sale and/or announces the terms of on the Site. In addition, for products returned by the Buyer using the right of withdrawal, the shipping fee may be reflected to the Buyer.